Donald Trump vs. Antichrist
Tomorrow, Jan. 20, 2025, America celebrates the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. It will be a good day for this nation. For whatever faults Donald Trump may have, I think he cares about America and the American people. This one simple fact puts him head and shoulders above nearly every other Western head of state. Indeed, his administration represents a vast improvement over the outgoing Biden Regime headed by a Jesuit agent, who, from the time of his inauguration to the very end of his term in office, never ceased making war on the Constitution and the American people.
The most obvious example of Biden’s hatred of the American people is his allowing 10 + million illegal aliens to flood our nation along with the imposition of all the attendant costs, both monetary and non-monetary, that resulted from this decision.
Joe Biden’s hatred of our constitutionally guaranteed liberties and the property and lives of the American people, though remarkable, is by no means an isolated case in the contemporary West. Of all the oddities of the post-Christian West, the one that stands out in my mind is the degree to which Western governments, almost without exception, clearly despise their own people.
Incoming president Donald Trump has promised to reverse Biden’s four-year-long immigration war on America. This needs to happen. But even under the best of circumstances, it will be a difficult feat to accomplish, especially since the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church-State initiated the immigration war and is fighting tooth and nail to retain her gains made under Jesuit Joe Biden.
Want evidence for this claim? Consider the following.
In a post on X dated 1/19/2025, Pope Francis reportedly called Donald Trump’s promised mass deportations “a disgrace.” The poster was Cindy Wooden, whose X bio indicates she’s the editor-in-chief of Catholic New Service Rome, so I think this is a legitimate quote.
On the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops run X feed JusticeForImmigrants @USCCBJFI, you’ll find post after post denouncing President-elect Trump’s deportation plans and calling for “humane immigration reform.” In case you’re wondering, “humane immigration reform” in this context means standing aside while Antichrist destroys America with millions upon millions of tax-eating, often criminally violent, and unassimilatable welfare migrants.
In a story dated 1/19/2025, Vatican News reports that Cardinal Blase Cupich, head of the Chicago Archdiocese, publicly opposes “mass deportations.”
“The Catholic community stands with the people of Chicago in speaking out in defence of the rights of immigrants and asylum seekers. Similarly, if the reports are true, it should be known that we would oppose any plan that includes a mass deportation of U.S. citizens born of undocumented parents,” he said.[1]
The Chicago Archdiocese has a long track record of promoting Rome’s irredentist[2] immigration war on America, stretching back to at least 1850, when the then Jesuit Bishop of Chicago, Oliver Vandeveld, wrote to Charles Chiniquy, who at the time was still a Roman Catholic priest, about Rome’s plans to take possession of America’s heartland and rule the American republic. Key to this plan, according to Vandeveld, was flooding America with Roman Catholic immigrants.[3]
The article from Vatican News reports that Cardinal Cupich “affirmed the Catholic Church’s commitment to protecting sacred spaces from immigration enforcement activities.” In other words, the Cardinal plans to attempt to subvert the rule of law in the United States by preventing the removal of illegal aliens.
In Revelation 13, we read about a horrifying seven-headed beast rising out of the sea with a mouth speaking “great things and blasphemies,” to which the dragon of Revelation 12 gave his power. The dragon represents Satan, while the seven-headed beast represents the apostate system of the Roman Church-State, spoken of elsewhere in Scripture as the little horn (Daniel 7), the man of sin and son of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2), and the Antichrist (1 John 2).
As representatives of this Antichrist system, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Jesuits, and Cardinal Cupich speak. And it is on behalf of Antichrist, and ultimately Satan himself, that these men work to undermine the rule of law in the United States of America.
And yet hardly anyone in America, including Donald Trump, understands who they are dealing with. Most Protestants regard the Roman Church-State as an authentically Christian communion, though perhaps with a few doctrinal oddities. The 65 million-strong American Roman Catholic community has been taught that Rome is the true Church of Christ. Neither of these things is true. Instead, a proper understanding of Biblical prophecy reveals that Rome is Satan’s masterpiece, masquerading as a true church of Christ. More than that, it reveals Rome as the very Antichrist that the Scripture warns of.
And it is this Antichrist, satanic power that has set itself in opposition to the rule of law in America and to incoming President Donald Trump's plans to regain control over American immigration policy.
As Christians, we’re called to pray “for kings and all those in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” Let us, therefore, be diligent in prayer for the incoming Trump Administration, especially that the Lord would crush Antichrist's plans, stop his blasphemous mouth, and put him to open shame.
[1] “Cardinal Cupich: We oppose any immigrant mass deportation plan” by Linda Bordoni, Vatican News, 1/19/2025,, accessed 1/19/2025.
[2] Irredentism is Jesuit immigration warfare. It rests on the idea that by flooding a nation with Catholics, the Church can eventually control the internal politics of the nation through sheer numbers at the ballot box.
[3] Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (A. Craig, Chicago, 1889), 497. Google Books link,, accessed 1/19/2025.