Christmas and Antichrist's Immigration Lies

Antichrist never stops lying about what the Scriptures teach about immigration, not even during Christmas. Quite the contrary, far from taking a break from his lies during Christmas, the Pope and his henchmen crank up the volume, hoping to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Central to the Antichrist’s Christmastide immigration lies is his attempt to spin the millions upon millions of illegal aliens pouring across America’s southern border as mirroring the Biblical account of Joseph taking Mary and Jesus and fleeing to Egypt to escape Herod’s persecution.
While on the surface, Rome’s argument may seem plausible, closer examination shows it to be just another lie from the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church-State designed to further its globalist ambitions. Let’s take a look at it.
Typical of Rome’s argument is this X post from CLINIC (Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.). The post reads,
On this final Sunday of Advent, bear in mind that the Son of God is the son of refugees. The holy Family braved the unknown to make the arduous journey to escape violence and persecution.
What makes Antichrist’s lies effective, including his lie about the flight to Egypt, is that they contain at least some truth. In this case, it’s true that Jesus is the son of refugees. Matthew records that Joseph was warned by an angel in a dream, who told him, “Arise, take the young child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you work; for Herod will seek to young Child to destroy Him.”
The situation faced by Joseph and his family is a textbook example of the most common modern-day definition of a refugee as a person who “owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of [their] (sic) nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail [themself] (sic) of the protection of that country."
Joseph and his family had every reason to fear for their lives according to this definition and were, in fact, refugees.
So far, so good. But Antichrist doesn’t stop there. He wants you to see the millions of foreigners who flooded into the United States at the invitation of the Biden Regime as if they were Jesus himself fleeing from Herod.
According to the current occupant of the seat of Antichrist, Francis I, “the encounter with the migrant, as with every brother and sister in need, is also an encounter with Christ.”[1]
Considering the many gruesome crimes committed by illegal aliens and refugees against the citizens of the United States and other Western nations, this is a jarring and extraordinary statement. Just today, there’s a horrifying news report from New York about a “migrant” from Guatemala who’s suspected of setting a woman on fire on a New York subway, killing her.[2] According to Tom Homan, Trump's incoming Border Czar, the individual, Sebastian Zapeta, “is, of course, an illegal alien from Guatemala. And yes, the Biden administration did not deport him when they had their chance.”[3] Is this what the Pope had in mind when he called migrant encounters “an encounter with Christ”? Or what about the Saudi man who drove a car through a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany? According to a report from Fox News, five were killed and over 200 injured.[4] Was this another encounter with Christ?
The fact is, the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church-State, more than any other institution, is blood guilty of loosing this murderous migrant invasion on the nations of the West. Yet the Pope, along with his cardinals and bishops and priests and nuns, have the gall to lecture us about our “obligation” to foreigners who break our laws, eat out our substance, and sometimes brutally murder our fellow citizens.
This would all be bad enough if it were some secular group pushing the “migrant” narrative. But to promote a murderous migrant invasion in the name of Jesus Christ, that’s the sort of thing only Antichrist would have the gall try.
[1] “Pope Francis: An encounter with a migrant is an encounter with Christ” by Linda Bordoni, Vatican News, 6/3/2024,, accessed 12/22/2024.
[2] “Suspect arrested in the killing of a woman who was set on fire on a NYC subway car” by Lauren Mascarenhas and Gloria Pazimino, CNN, 12/22/2024,, accessed 12/22/2024.
[4] “5 dead, many injured after man drives into German Christmas market in suspected terror attack: report” by Sarah Rumpf-Whitten, Caitlin McFall, Benjamin Weinthal, Landon Mion, Fox News, 12/20/2024,, accessed 12/22/2024.