Antichrist Never Stops His Irredentist Immigration War

Antichrist never stops his irredentist immigration war and America, so American Christians ought never to stop exposing it.
It’s always tempting to suppose that we can defeat Antichrist – by “Antichrist,” I mean the Pope of Rome, currently Jorge Bergoglio, dba Francis I – with one sermon, blog post, or presidential election. But if the Protestant Reformation couldn’t finish him off for good, there’s no reason to suppose that going to the polls in November and voting for the candidate who promised to end Jesuit Joe Biden’s illegal alien assault on America will finish him off for good, either.
As a friend likes to say, we’re pretty much stuck with Antichrist until the Lord returns. He’s right. And I don’t say that to come off as a downer but because I believe that’s what the Bible teaches.
Here are a few stories that show Antichrist is alive and well and determined to continue its irredentist immigration war on the United States.
“Catholic Charities servicing refugees at accelerated rate” is a story Carolyn sent me from a local TV station in Amarillo, TX. One notable line from this piece is, “The new [Trump administration] policy could make the reunification process go from monthslong to a yearslong process.” This is a lie. Families can be reunified immediately by those illegally residing in the United States returning to their families in their countries of origin. This they can do at any time. When Rome or those sympathetic to Rome talk about “reunification of families,” they mean bringing in more welfare migrants and forcing Americans to pick up the tab.
Of course, we can’t overlook the term “refugees” either. What Catholic Charities calls “refugee resettlement” is simply their euphemism for illegal alien resettlement. And even if they are not illegal aliens and actually are refugees, contrary to Antichrist’s evil and incompetent economic and political thought, they have zero claim on the property of the American people.
Here’s another piece to remind you just how much America’s Roman Catholic bishops hate the American people. “California bishops write letter of support for migrants amid mass deportation fears.”
Timed to coincide with the feast of “Our Lady of Guadalupe” on December 12, the bishop’s statement is titled “Am I Not Here, I Who Am Your Mother?” which are the words the demon impersonating the biblical Mary supposedly said to Juan Diego when it appeared to him in 1531.
It’s not often appreciated the extent to which Antichrist invokes the words or images of its demon goddess of Guadalupe to justify its immigration invasion of the United States. But once you begin to see it, as the saying goes, you can’t unsee it.
In their letter, the California bishops decry the “fear” that exists among “so many we shepherd in our dioceses” due to big, bad Donald Trump's threats of mass deportations. Question, if the Roman Catholic bishops are harboring so many individuals they admit to knowing are illegal aliens, does this not make them guilty of aiding and abetting the crime of illegal immigration? Doing so is a violation of U.S. law. The Trump administration should arrest those bishops for their illicit activities and deport them back to their daddy in the Vatican.
It's remarkable how openly and brazenly the Catholic bishops talk about their contempt for American law. In an article titled “Archbishop Lori says church will continue to minister to migrants, listen to the people,”
After saying, in effect, that the Church-State will continue with its illicit aid to illegal aliens, the lying Archbishop laughably goes on to say, “We certainly do not encourage illegal immigration.”
Apparently, the Archbishop doesn’t believe bearing false witness is a sin.
Dogs bark, and ducks quack. It is their nature to do so; expecting them to do otherwise is foolish. So it is with Antichrist. He and his lying henchmen in Catholic Charities and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will continue to lie and steal and subvert, for it is their nature to do so. They can do no other. Christians must realize this and never let up exposing their evil, just as our Reformation forefathers did.